Candi and Chilli

Naming a baby is a delicate process.

With a gorgeous new orangutan arrival for first time mum Candi at the Bukit Tigapuluh release site, TOP put the call out to our supporters for baby name suggestions. 
We received many fantastic suggestions and thanks to everyone who entered the baby naming competition.

We are delighted with the winning name for Candi’s baby girl

Hello……….. CHILLI

Congratulations to Talei Valucava who selected this name since chillies can be red like orangutans and are also a prominent ingredient in Indonesian cooking. We think these are great reasons for naming this fiery little redhead ‘Chilli’.
Candi and Chilli are currently very far from the release station but we’ll keep you posted on any sightings and we look forward to seeing little Chilli learning the ways of the jungle. 

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