Your gift will help save the orangutan

To save the orangutan species we need to save their remaining forest habitat. Our Save Forest program provides Wildlife Protection Units, Orangutan Rescue Units and Wardens who patrol the forest and keep it protected.

Orangutan Habitat Protection

As a non-partisan organisation, TOP collaborates with several orangutan conservation projects including care centres for orphaned and displaced orangutans, as well as providing forest protection through our own Save Forest program to deter wildlife poaching, illegal logging and land clearing in Indonesia. 

The money goes directly to our Wildlife Protection Units and Orangutan Rescue Units and Wardens who physically patrol the safeguarded forest. These units are extremely proficient in stopping illegal loggers and poachers. The simple equation is, the more units we can financially support, the more forest and orangutans we can ensure is protected long term. 

This initiative stops the problem at the source. If we can all unite and protect as much remaining rainforest as possible then there simply won’t be the steady tragic influx of orphaned orangutans at our care centres, as their habitat and their existence will be safe.

Where Your Money Goes!

Your donation raises money specifically for The Orangutan Project’s Wildlife Protection Units, Orangutan Rescue Units and Wardens. 

In terms of conservation value for your donation, this program is extremely effective. Not only are you protecting orangutans to live free in the wild as they should, your donation provides local employment for young men who otherwise have to work in the palm oil industry. The Save Forest program truly works toward stopping the problems facing orangutans at the source, rather than once the damage has been done, and the forest is gone. 

100% of your donation goes directly towards the Wildlife Protection Units and Orangutan Rescue Units and Wardens projects, which includes the running costs for each unit including orangutan tracking and recue equipment, wages and uniforms. Every contribution is welcome and appreciated!

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